There seems to be many ways we can help our Mental Health and try to feel better. How many times have we had a Mental Health appointment and been told to exercise. We would take a deep breath and probably breathe out long and slowly. But we see this as a challenge though, I mean its got to be fun if your going to exercise. We ain’t going to tell you how to do it, Im not qualified, but here are a few ideas that we use.
Music, ok we have certain tastes, Rock, Indy, Dance,, 60s 70s, and on and on it goes. We got an online music supplier for free streaming music from all era’s and we picked the 50s, 60s and seventies. So the songs we liked we searched Youtube and, watched the dance moves of the time, mainly in the 50s jive era. Ok are you with me, so I decided to learn the dance moves with my daughter. 30 mins dancing sweating and we had our 30mins of exersice. We felt good afterwards and it was fun most of all. Its important though if your unfit to ring your doctor to get advice on exercising. Now remember we all do different things to help ourselves, we cannot guide you sorry. Now for our other trick we sing. No, not wisper, we sing. Some of the sing along sounds come from 50s 60s 70s. We download the lyrics and we sing. If we are really low we open the windows and sing to the neigbours. Im sure our cats love it, but they never say. I think we have to do things which we are all comfortable with. Again though, try to make it fun, music can have some rewarding uses. Please feel free to share your thoughts on coping methods. Oh you may even see one of us on tik tok.
Currently we are in a lock down. This is having an impact on people with Mental Health problems. I urge people to sit quietly and try to think of something they can do which will help them. For them that is unable to do this, please use want ever resourses are available via phone doctor or Mental Health services. We must stick together and stay safe. I hate terms like snap out of it, people are just stupid or cruel. Oh yes, come Mental Health week they will be wearing their ribbons for us and showing themselves on Facebook. I mean were are they in the 51 weeks after. Do gooders, dont get us going on that one.
Oh and you will here this often on the site, but MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS don’t forget that. Remember, use that card. Stay safe and everyone’s in our thoughts X
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